A High School Teacher’s Inspiring Journey to Securing ISB and Tepper MBA admits with $50,000 in Scholarship

Antara’s journey from being a high school teacher to a successful businesswoman is nothing short of remarkable. Her story is a testament to the power of following one’s passion and taking chances in life.

She is not your average MBA applicant, and she has never had a corporate job. Nor has she had any qualms about what work she did while her peers continued to climb corporate ladders. She followed her heart and pursued what she enjoyed doing in the moment and what she felt was right in the situation. This Bengali beauty with brains is an avid coder who despite having multiple job offers after college in the IT field found her first calling in teaching and started her career as a Computer Sciences teacher for middle school children in schools in West Bengal and Assam.

Antara’s commitment to education and her natural aptitude for coding quickly became apparent in the classroom. She developed innovative teaching methods in programming languages and created coding challenges that engaged her students and inspired them to pursue careers in technology. Her passion for teaching and her dedication to her students was quickly recognized, and she was soon awarded several accolades and honors for her impressive work in the field of education.

As strange as it may seem, when I first spoke with Antara about what led her to leave her job as a teacher and take over her father’s struggling CPG distribution – a predominantly male dominated setup after his health deteriorated, her answer was too direct and hard-hitting. Her brother was still in school and too young to take over. But since now the business is in phenomenal shape under Antara’s leadership, she needs to find a professional path on her own as girls aren’t destined to inherit family business in the society she comes from. When it came to her test-taking abilities, this girl means business and her stellar GRE scores of 328 (167 Q/161V) and 331(169 Q/162V) powerfully demonstrate her motivation to succeed.

Antara trusted our preparation process for the essays and interviews and our profound discussions on industry knowledge, business demand, and roles, and her goals narrative led her to achieve what someone without any corporate experience may not even imagine. And on our advice this girl who had no presence on LinkedIn put herself out there for the first time, attending numerous events and reaching out to Tonnes of alums to build her network and gather strong insights and insider details about the schools.

Antara’s tenacity and resilience in pursuing her passions have led her to blaze an inspiring trail, from a dedicated teacher to a skilled businesswoman. With her impressive academic accomplishments, including securing over 50,000 USD in scholarships to attend the ISB, and Tepper MBA programs (more awaited), it’s clear that Antara is poised to achieve greatness. Her drive to break societal norms and forge her own professional path is an inspiration to all who seek to follow their dreams, and I have no doubt that Antara will continue to make a significant impact in the business world.

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