Unravelling ISB PGP Application Essays (Class of 2023)

MBAGuide Tips:

Essay1: Describe with examples the most important personal quality that you possess, which significantly enhances your prospects of being successful as a leader? (400 word max)

A personal quality is an aspect of your personality, it is who you are and how you interact with others. Unlike personal skills that are learnt over a period, personal qualities are mostly intrinsic. In order to attack this question, applicants can retrospect on the qualities they have shown repeatedly (as children, adolescents, and adults in a professional set up) and that have helped them to bring stability or take control in the face of adversity, resolve conflicting situations, and alleviate problems significantly. In order to answer this question, this single quality (or a set of similar qualities) must be tied to 2-3 instances where the applicant consistently delivered positive results reinforcing his/her belief in the power of possessing this personality trait. In order to support the narrative, always mention the value created by the applicant, as well as feedback and response received from people and stakeholders involved in every problematic scenario. In addition to bind the application essays together, the applicants can highlight their passion in at least one of the instances mentioned which will help transition the narrative to their short term and long-term goals in Essay2.

Essay2: What are your short term and long-term career goals? How will Post Graduate Program at ISB assist you in achieving your goals? (400 words max)

It is best to treat the narrative in this essay in continuity of Essay 1, where the applicant would have explained about his/her professional undertakings in some detail. Keep goals specific, realistic, and tangible. Mention the source of inspiration for your choice of career goals, and how you plan to persevere to attain your goals- in the short term as well as long term.

Expert Tip: What differentiates a stellar leadership profile from an average profile is the ability to demonstrate in one’s stories that he/she is set up for tremendous success and achieving long term goals even without an immediate PGP admit, only it will take a little longer than the PGP path.

Avoid Red Flags- Not recommended to opt for goals that are a 180 degrees transition from your current career path (For Example. From Tech to Investment Banking). Avoid opting for goals that may not get understood well by the evaluator (For Example. Career titles with complex new age terminology not related to your current career track).

Show that you have taken time to interact with ISB alums and understand ISB PGP curriculum. Mention the subjects that interest you and extra activities that will enable you to develop connections and contribute towards peer-to-peer learning. Reinforce the strength of ISB Alumni network as the acme of corporate knowledge and mentorship in India.

Essay3: (Optional) Please use this space to provide any other information not covered elsewhere in the application that could significantly impact your candidature at ISB.
Use this essay only to provide some additional context in case you had a significant career break or are a re applicant to ISB PGP. Make sure to address the areas such as how you improved as an individual over your career break or during your additional year at work in case of re application. What undertakings did you pursue (if you were able to pursue any), what learnings did you gather and how have your strengths evolved?

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