The all-inclusive Business School Applications and Mock Interviews

Step 1: Discover Your Leadership Profile 

At MBAGuide, we help you carve out your unique leadership profile. We know that the traditional emphasis on rote learning in our education system limits the capacity for critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making in many MBA aspirants. Honing these skills are critical to leadership roles post MBA. In addition, the social stigma of failure has traditionally discouraged risk-taking and innovation in candidates who come from the traditional sectors.

We counteract these obstacles by creating a mindset shift, promoting sound critical thinking, and viewing failure as a learning opportunity. Our customized approach includes in-depth conversations to uncover your story, motivations, and goals. Through guided conversations, we illuminate your path to a comprehensive understanding of your leadership potential that will enable you to excel in the MBA application process and after.

Step 2: Elevating Your Approach: Mastering School Research and Perspective Enhancement

We know that many admissions counseling firms match applicants with an alumnus of their target school for a brief engagement. Well, we have been on the panel of some of these companies as well! We have come to believe that this approach does not really help applicants overcome their inhibitions and can lead to underperforming applications. Imagine the scenario where so many applicants reach out to this one person for college insights who basically shares the same information with all the other applicants!


During the application process, we help applicants identify the soft skills and networking skills they need to acquire to navigate the challenging environment of a business school. This is why we encourage our applicants to talk with alumni, potential recruiters, and college staff to find out what attracts them to their intended MBA program and how they can plan their post-MBA career. We love having a good conversation and want to hear from applicants about what they took away from each meeting or webinar. We will challenge you at every step of the way!

Step 3: Essay Writing and Reviews

We guide applicants through deep discussions to select stories for target schools. Applicants write the first drafts and then work with us to refine the essays through a series of email exchanges to produce an exceptional result. We do not approve the essays until we are satisfied that you have created a compelling masterpiece (of a narrative).

Step 4: References and Letters of Recommendation

Your references serve as documents substantiating your achievements and success stories. We help you to initiate discussions with your recommenders and make sure that they recall your initiatives and accolades to be able to put in a good word for your respective MBA applications.

Here's a brief sneak peek into our in-depth LOR crafting techniques – The secret sauce for outstanding letters of recommendation 

Step 5: Crafting an MBA Resume

With an extensive collection of resumes obtained from leading business schools, we know the strategic differentiators that can set you apart while aligning with the attributes the MBA programs value in their prospective students. Our commitment extends to working with you to build a flawless MBA resume. Through an iterative exchange akin to refining essay drafts, we meticulously guide you to refine your resume until it is perfect.

Creating your resume is a rigorous process in which we believe you should invest 10-20 hours of work. This commitment is essential to ensure the highest level of detail and precision to effectively convey your unique qualifications and aspirations.

Step 6: Application Form Review

We guide the applicants to fill in all the details and substantiate their achievements with relevant proof.  We provide a fresh perspective on answering specific questions in the essays so that the entire application stands out.

Step 7: Complimentary Service – Interview Preparation and Mocks

For a limited time, for applicants who successfully progress beyond the application stage, we extend a complimentary mock interview experience. Our aim is to provide you with a profound understanding of what schools seek during interviews, coupled with actionable insights to refine your interview strategy.

You work directly with the principal consultant. Few touch points and focused planning keeps our charges lean.

Complete B School Packages (Foreign) Charges Complimentary
1 School 70,000 INR 2 Mock Interviews
3 Schools 120000 INR 2 Mock Interviews
5 Schools 150000 INR 2 Mock Interviews
Complete Indian B School Packages Charges Complimentary
1 School 50,000 INR 2 Mock Interviews
2 Schools 70000 INR 2 Mock Interviews
3 Schools 80000 INR 2 Mock Interviews
Comprehensive Interview preparation package Charges
Includes 2-3 hours of brainstorming, industry insights and answer discussions and 2-3 mocks Our founder has extensive experience in taking B school admissions interviews at INSEAD 25,000 INR
Mock interview package Charges
Includes 2 mocks and a 30 minute feedback session after each mock. Does not include preparation discussions and drafting of answers 20,000 INR