How Honest Feedback and Hard Work Led to HEC Paris

Jaslove Singh Badwal
23, January 2025
HEC Paris
The GMAT is a humbling experience. When candidates with solid professional backgrounds approach us, we have an in-depth discussion to determine whether their test performance will catalyze an otherwise strong admit conversion or act as a borderline inhibitor. Providing this reality check early in the process, even before the candidate signs up for our mentoring sessions, helps them set realistic expectations.
When Jaslove came to us with his seemingly spotless profile, international experience and ambitious targets like INSEAD and HEC Paris, but a mediocre GMAT score of 645 (GMAT FE), we were honest from day one about how this weakness could hurt his chances at INSEAD, where understanding the competition’s strengths is crucial. Jaslove however was adamant to give both schools a shot with the current score. The deep dive into the INSEAD application process became a discovery experience for Jaslove. He used our enlightening sessions to craft high-quality material for HEC’s presentation and interview, ultimately securing the HEC admit just one day after the interview. This experience left him humble and eager to better prepare for INSEAD in the next application cycle. We take pride in providing a transparent view of what’s possible and equipping candidates with the insights they need to make informed decisions. In this case too we were on point with our prediction for HEC Paris and INSEAD.

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